Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Psst.... Look over there

(at the sidebar)

I've posted links to member blogs. I love all your sites! (check out Lauren's delightful musings, Becky's recipe for thriftiness, and Gad's awesome pics from Brazil) If you are listed over there and don't want to be, drop me a note and I'll delete pronto. If you have a blog and want to be listed, let me know and I'll include it.

REMINDER: If you want to help out with the rotating shelter next week, there are still slots left. Please let me know.

And lest you think I'm not spending time searching for fun quizzes for Becky and Lauren G. and me to take, check out the Political Compass . It goes beyond the tired left-right continuum and will plot your spot on a quadrant that takes into account your economic and social values. It located me in almost the dead center of the lower left quadrant, which puts me firmly in the category of the libertarian left. I'm pretty much precisely where they locate the Dalai Lama. I don't mind if you address me as Her Holiness. How 'bout the rest of you? Where do you score? Becky? Lauren? (Maybe this one will even draw out the likes of Dave Moehring....)


unstable knitter said...

Apparently I'm slightly to the right of Gandhi. :)

laurcat said...

Here are my (Adam's) coordinates:
economic left/right: -4.13
social libertarian/authoritarian: -2.97