Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So what's your deadliest sin?

Take the quiz and find out. (Just for fun, of course). In the spirit of full disclosure, here are my results for all to see. Looks like sloth is doing me in. What? Surfing the 'net for cool knitting blogs means I'm lazy? ;)

Wrath:Very Low
Envy:Very Low
Lust:Very Low

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on

Truthfully, the quiz missed the mark a bit, as I know what my true root sin is, and it didn't rank as high as it should've, but I'm not telling. Let's just say that I'm envious of those you who have different temptations than I do....

Take the quiz and let us know how you fare.


earthchick said...

Hey fatty, I mean Adam. (see, isn't it fun to be able to use the knowledge of everyone's sins against each other?). Didn't realize I had set things up to approve/disapprove comments - I've changed that setting now.

Comment all you want, folks. Tell us your sins! Don't let Adam and me be the only ones hanging our dirty laundry out here!

unstable knitter said...

Apparently I'm a moderately prideful sloth. I hope that means I get to move to the rainforest and hang out in trees. :D